Benefits of Led Grow Light For Plants

While light is essential to plant photosynthesis, not all wavelengths of sunlight are useful. Plants need light in the 400-700nm range, abbreviated as PAR, to make use of this energy. Light shorter than this wavelength can damage plant cells, and longer wavelengths are too weak to trigger photosynthesis. An LED Grow Light increases the efficiency of photosynthesis and extends the life of plants. It also protects plants from adverse climatic conditions, allowing year-round growing.
Energy savings
LED grow lights can cut down on your utility costs. Compared to fluorescents, LEDs use up to 80% less energy. Not only are they energy efficient, but they also can save you money on maintenance. Currently, indoor growhouses are putting pressure on the power grid, so switching to LEDs is a good idea. Additionally, LEDs may qualify for rebates from power companies. These are not conditional on your cultivation license or legality of the crops you grow.
LED bulbs last a long time. Many of these bulbs outlast HPS and Sodium Bulbs. That means fewer HPS and Sodium bulbs in landfills. Sodium Bulbs are inefficient and dangerous, because they contain volatile sodium that can cause explosive reactions in the air. HPS bulbs can also be harmful to the environment when disposed of in landfills. By switching to LED lights, you can save a lot of money on electricity bills and energy bills.
Plant photosynthesis
The benefits of LED grow lights for plant photosynthesis can be seen in the spectrum of color they emit. LEDs have different wavelengths that contribute to plant photosynthesis, such as red and blue light. While blue light is more effective at increasing chlorophyll, green light is crucial for promoting growth and thick top canopies. Plants respond well to green light. Here are the benefits of LED grow lights for plants:
LED grow lights emit very little heat. The wavelengths are usually no more than 750nm. They emit a tiny amount of heat toward your plants. The rest is emitted as ambient heat. You can even feel the difference between LED and HID panels in terms of radiant heat. An HID fixture will feel very warm when placed near a plant. LED panels do not produce the same amount of heat as HID fixtures, so they are an excellent choice for indoor gardening.
Cost savings
LEDs are an excellent choice for horticultural growers looking for a more energy-efficient option. Compared to HPS/CMH grow lights, LEDs consume as little as 30% of the electricity. This translates to a huge annual cost savings. LEDs are also easy on the environment. The bulbs last up to 50,000 hours, which means that they can last for up to 10 years. Not to mention the huge amount of money you will save on electricity!
LEDs last for a long time, too. They can last as long as 50,000 hours – which is more than double that of conventional bulbs. LEDs also have the added benefit of being much more efficient than HIDs. Traditional grow lights require ballasts, which transform electricity into usable energy for the HID bulbs. LEDs, on the other hand, do not require ballasts and plug into conventional electricity sources. The bulbs last longer and do not waste energy.
Although many homeowners are choosing HID solutions, LED grow lights have many advantages. They are much more efficient, and can be upgraded to next level efficiency at a portion of the cost of your current grow system. The lifespan of most LED grow lights is approximately 50,000 hours, versus only ten to nine thousand hours for HIDs. Additionally, LED grow lights can be operated manually or by an automated system, which is useful for multi-layer vertical farming. Because LED grow lights require very little space, they are perfect for multi-layer vertical farming.
Another factor to consider when evaluating LED grow lights is PPF. This value is based on the size of your greenhouse or vertical farm. Also, consider what kind of crops you plan to grow. By calculating the PPF, you can select the most efficient LED grow lights. If you’re growing flowers or a variety of other plants, you can choose the most efficient LED grow light for your needs. If you haven’t yet chosen a grow light, make sure to do so before buying.