Careers In Event Planning: 8 Career Paths For Future Event Managers

Should you want to be a successful event planner, then you need to have a plethora of skills that support you. You should know how to multitask, how to gather vendors, plan events, and ensure that they are executed perfectly. You should also have a keen eye for details, as well as the ability to solve problems on the spot.

Planning events can present you with unique challenges. A vendor might not be able to bring their wares in time, leaving you with no option but to look for an alternative. No matter what happens, you should keep a cool head and search for solutions to every problem.

If you think you have these skills, then becoming an event planner could be perfect for you. Here are eight careers in the event planning industry that you should know about.

1. Event Planner

As an event planner, you could find yourself planning corporate events, huge galas, and more. This is why you should be capable of planning various types of events. You’ll also need to arrange for food and drinks at the event, ensuring that everyone’s dietary needs are met.

You may need to hire presenters, servers, as well as technology professionals, for the event. You can also find yourself needing to plan for larger events, like trade shows. Over a thousand people can be present at such events. While the event is on, you’ll be the person that everyone comes to, when there’s a problem. The job is fast-paced, but for those interested in the profession, a very rewarding career path.

2. Wedding Planner

Do you love weddings? Then becoming a wedding planner could be perfect for you. You’ll need to know about every aspect of planning a wedding, such as finding the right dress, to choosing the right cake. You’ll also need to arrange for a great sound system at the wedding, and may need to hire musicians as well. You should also be able to help your clients get their marriage certificates.

Your job is to help your clients fit their perfect wedding into their budget. On the day of the wedding, the couple can focus on their marriage, while you manage the event.

3. Event Space Manager

You’ll need to know all about the space you’re hiring out. You should especially know how to plan for a great event within your space. The space could be a ballroom, a large arena, or even a concert hall. You should know the layout of the space, as well as the logistics of holding an event there.

You’ll also need to market your space, to attract clients willing to rent it for an event.

4. Sponsorship Coordinator

There are many NGOs that need sponsorship from donors, in order to keep going. As a sponsorship coordinator, you’ll be helping them solicit sponsorships by planning for, and throwing events like lunches, fairs, charity events, and more.

If you want a career in event planning, then consider investing in event planner insurance. Working as an event planner leaves you exposed to certain career risks, like getting sued by an unhappy client. With event planner insurance, you can better protect your career as well as your finances. If you would like to learn more about event planner insurance, then click here.

5. Managing Catering Services

You could find yourself needing to feed hundreds of people, or even planning for more intimate dinners. You’ll need to provide quality food, to ensure the guests are happy. You should have some kind of background in preparing food. You’ll also need to know how to hire and manage the servers, who’ll be serving the food at the event.

6. Social Media Coordinator For Events

Social media coordinators need to promote their events on social media, in order to ensure that there are attendees for the event. It also helps build exposure that in turn attracts more attendees. You could find yourself doing live feeds, designing ad campaigns, creating hashtags, and more. You’ll play a key role in ensuring that the event gathers interest and becomes a success.

7. Staff Coordinator

There are events where temporary volunteers are needed, to run the event. As a staff coordinator, you’ll be in charge of the staff working at the site, even if they are temporary staff. You should be capable of training large numbers of workers and be able to motivate them.

8. Communications Manager

You could work for a business of any kind, as their communications manager. You could find yourself needing to plan promotional events occasionally, but a lot of the marketing you do will be through traditional and online marketing. This is why you should have experience in marketing, to be a successful communications manager.


Are you interested in a career as an event planner? You can become an event planner that plans many kinds of, or specific kinds of events. You could become a wedding planner, a venue manager, and so much more. Depending on what your interests are, there are several careers available to you as an event planner.

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