Online casinos and slot machines with a prepaid card

To make a deposit to play for real money on an online gaming site, you have several options, including using a prepaid card. These are payment methods that look and work like credit cards but aren’t. Some of them are commonly used in online casinos.


A prepaid card looks like a traditional bank card. It has a number made up of 16 digits in addition to an expiry date. Unlike conventional bank cards, the prepaid card is often used to limit expenses. You must recharge it to be able to use it in online payment. It, therefore, makes it possible to control the budget of its user.

ATM machine

The prepaid card can be issued by a bank or by an online financial institution. With the expansion of the internet, many offers have sprung up. The best known are Visa, Mastercard, and Vanilla. These cards offer considerable advantages to their users.


Widely used around the world, the prepaid Visa card is the most widespread payment card on the financial market. It is accepted on almost all online e-commerce platforms, but also on most gambling sites accessible on the internet.

To start playing for real money in an online casino or on a คาสิโนออนไลน์ slot machine with a prepaid card, buy a prepaid international Visa card from a bank and top it up. Then go to the casino site of your choice and log in to your account to make your deposit which will be used for your bets.

Visa Logo

If you do not have an account on the site in question, you will be asked to register before you start. After registering, you will only need to log into your account with the username and password you chose to register.

Once on your account, you will need to add your Visa Card as your preferred payment method. To do this, you will have to enter your card data: its number, its expiry date, and its security code located just on the back of the card in the appropriate boxes. Visa card transactions usually take place within seconds.

When buying your International Visa prepaid card, tell your banker that you also want to use it on an online casino site to pay with a prepaid card. Authorization is required for it to be functional on online casino sites.

Many banks tend to impose restrictions on certain cards in order to limit or block their use on online gambling sites. If your bank declines your request, then contact another bank.


The mastercard is the second most popular payment, debit, and credit card after the prepaid Visa Card. It is no coincidence that it is accepted on more than 32 million online e-commerce platforms.

Mastercard logo

It is secure, can be used on almost all online casino sites to pay with a prepaid card and it complies with a strict confidentiality policy. Its mode of use is similar to that of the prepaid Visa card.

To deposit money into your account, simply enter your card data in the required boxes in your account. This information is generally three in number, namely: your Mastercard card number, its 3-digit cryptogram, and the expiration date of your card.

Precautions To Take Before Playing In Online Casinos And Slot Machines With A Prepaid Card

Not all casinos and online slot machines are credible. Before betting on an online gambling platform, it is, therefore, crucial to carry out a minimum of investigation to overcome the possible pitfalls that characterize dishonest sites. These include the theft of personal data, the risk of impossible withdrawals, problems with rigged UFA s, theft of money of any kind, and the unavailability of support.

To bet with confidence without asking too many questions, turn to reliable sites, those that accept your preferred payment method, but that really pay. All online casino sites listed in this article secure the personal data of their users. They also protect their funds in strict compliance with the law. In short, they are therefore credible.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Prepaid Cards In An Online Casino

When you use a prepaid card, you benefit from several advantages. First, if you use Visa or Mastercard, you can play on almost all online platforms. These are operators who have a great reputation around the world. In addition, you can make payments in many physical shops or make withdrawals at atms. In addition, a prepaid card gives the advantage of controlling one’s expenses. It is known that gambling can quickly cause addictions. 

It helps players bet anonymously, and keep control over their spending while setting unbreakable limits when playing online. These prepaid cards, therefore, allow them not to be overdrawn. They cannot spend more than the amount they have on their cards at online casinos. In addition, prepaid cards are all convenient and secure.

These greatly reduce the risk of fraud that is common with conventional bank cards. They can be used by anyone, regardless of income level. You only need to be 18 to become eligible to receive a prepaid card.

On the other hand, the use of prepaid cards comes with some drawbacks. First, the costs of use are higher than those generated by a normal credit card. In addition, the user is required to pay additional fees when he uses his card to make payments or another transaction. 

For example, for purchase, billing, and cancellation, additional charges appear. You should read all the conditions before choosing a prepaid card. Finally, the transaction limit is low with a prepaid card. Generally, the payment limit is around 1,000 euros depending on the issuing company. This prevents you from incurring a certain type of expense through this medium.

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