What are some of the best investment plans available out there?

Future planning always helps. Investing in the best investment plan for your as well as your family’s future as soon as you start earning is possibly the best thing you can do. A financially secure future is a thing that everybody wants; that is why it is crucial to take a few important steps. Let’s find out some of the best investment plans available out there.

Over the last few years, the Indian financial industry has seen a lot of big changes. People now get a lot of options to choose from to invest their money, all because of this much-needed evolution in the financial industry. From short term investment plans to the long term ones, you can choose the one that ticks all the right boxes for you.

There are a lot of factors that you need to keep your eyes open to when it comes to planning how and where you want to invest your hard-earned money. As a salaried individual, if you are keen to know the best investment schemes and plans available just for you, then you have come to the right place. Thus, let’s find out some of the best investment plans for you!

  • Fixed Deposits

Fixed deposits or FDs are very well known for higher returns as well as their stability. That is why it is the most popular method of investment that provides a safer, better and financially independent future. Here you are not just offered high security and stability; FDs also provide flexible tenure that meets your requirements. Some banks and financial institutions also offer you the choice to withdraw your funds even when the FD is premature. It highly depends on the rules and policies of the financial institution/bank that you have selected as your fixed deposit programme provider. Additional charges may be charged to you for premature withdrawals, depending on the bank’s policies.

  • Mutual Funds

Mutual funds have recently gained a lot of popularity because of the percentage of returns it has to offer. You can opt for a long-term or a short-term investment plan, depending on your preference. Mutual funds are one of the best investment plans in India, which also involves investment in various market securities. In this case, you can also opt for annual or monthly investment plans. Its average return rate is 8% to 9%, and the returns depend on the fluctuations in the market.

  • PPF

Also known as Public Provident Fund, PPF is a programme initiated by the government of India. You can easily opt for it without having to worry about your money because it is a safe investment plan. Once the tenure of your PPF has ended, you will receive good returns. It involves investing in public government funds, and in turn, after the end of the tenure, it provides accumulated returns. The tenure of PPF goes up to 15 years, but you can opt for a plan depending on your tenure and budget preference. It’s ideal for you to invest on a monthly basis with small sums.

These are some of the best investment plans and schemes that are available out there for all.

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