5 New Programming Languages

Proficiency in programming languages is a sought-after skill these days and the demand is only going to grow in the future. Programming languages are used in online services and as you know, we spend our working and parts of our private lives online these days.
Many programming languages have been around for a while now and you may be familiar with Python, JavaScript, Java, C / C ++ and R. Currently in 2022, there are some new kids on the block who could be worth making friends with and getting to know.
- Kotlin
Way back in 2019, Google announced that Kotlin was its preferred language for developing Android apps. Many programmers out there are saying they prefer the Kotlin language and love working in it.
Kotlin is free and open source making it accessible to everyone. It was initially designed for Java Virtual Machine together with Android. The majority of popular Android apps these days use Kotlin, so its definitely a language to learn in 2022.
- Julia
Julia is also free and open source. The programming language is used for data science which is behind just about everything these days. Julia is really good at numerical computing and brilliant at array-like and number data sets.
Data is so big these days that many programmers and developers use multiple workstations running in parallel to speed number crunching up. This is where Julia excels as she was designed to run and work in parallel right from the beginning.
- Apache Groovy
Developed to work with the Java platform, the Apache Groovy programming language uses the Java syntax. So, if you are proficient in the Java Virtual Machine, this language could be a good new language to learn. While it does have features like those used by Ruby and Python, it is considered highly dynamic as it completes tasks behind the scenes.
It is considered easy to use by developers and is widely used by large corporations such as Samsung, Netflix, and Target, as well as trusted sites that offer an online casino sign up bonus or other rewards.
- F#
Pronounced F sharp, this language allows code to be written quickly and efficiently which is accurate and stable. It is used a lot in artificial intelligence (AI) and mechanical learning. Because of the anticipated growth in the AI, mechanical and deep learning environment, proficiency in F# is set to be highly sought after in the future.
- Rust
Many of the giants such as Facebook, Firefox, and Dropbox favour Rust for it’s great debugging abilities. Rust’s developers wanted Rust to be code safe as well as a high-performance programming language. Older programmes such as C and C++ are high performers, but they lack code safety.
Additionally, the programmer/developer using Rust can work in 2 modes: Safe Rust and Unsafe Rust The former mode will flag unsafe code right from the word go while the latter offers more freedom to the programmer, but the code is not guaranteed safe.
There are languages being developed and launched all the time and it’s important for programmers to keep abreast of new developments in the sector.